Приложение осуществляет сбор определенных Персональных данных Пользователей.
Этот документ содержит раздел, посвященный калифорнийским потребителям и их правам на неприкосновенность частной жизни.
Этот документ содержит раздел, относящийся к потребителям из штата Вирджиния и их праву на неприкосновенность частной жизни..
Данный документ содержит раздел, посвященный потребителям в Колорадо и их правам на неприкосновенность частной жизни.
Данный документ содержит раздел, посвященный потребителям в Коннектикуте и их правам на неприкосновенность частной жизни.
Данный документ содержит раздел, посвященный потребителям в Юте и их правам на неприкосновенность частной жизни.
Этот документ содержит раздел, посвященный Пользователям из Бразилии и их правам на защиту приватности.
Этот документ можно распечатать для справки с помощью команды Print в настройках любого браузера.
Wtc 1-C. V. Fenchurch Str. Station New London House,
6 London Str., The City Of London, London, England,
United Kingdom
Контактный адрес электронной почты Владельца: [email protected]
Категории Персональных данных, сбор которых осуществляет Приложение (самостоятельно или при посредничестве третьих лиц), включают: Трекеры; Данные об использовании сетевых ресурсов; имя; фамилия; aдрес электронной почты; платежная информация; история покупок.
Полные сведения о каждой категории собранных Персональных данных
приводятся в соответствующих разделах настоящей политики приватности или
в специальных пояснительных текстах, которые выводятся на экран перед
сбором Данных.
Персональные данные могут предоставляться Пользователем самостоятельно,
или же, в случае Данных об использовании, их сбор может автоматически
осуществлять Приложение при его использовании.
Если не указано иное, все Данные, которые запрашивает Приложение,
являются обязательными. В случае непредставления указанных Данных
Приложение может оказаться не в состоянии предоставлять свои услуги. В
тех случаях, когда Приложение прямо указывает на необязательность
представления определенных Данных, Пользователи вправе не сообщать
соответствующие Данные без каких-либо последствий в части, касающейся
доступности или функционирования Сервиса.
Пользователям, не уверенным в том, какие Персональные данные являются обязательными, рекомендуется связаться с Владельцем.
Приложение или владельцы сторонних сервисов, которые задействует
Приложение, используют Файлы «Cookie» (или другие средства отслеживания)
исключительно в целях предоставления Сервиса, требующегося
Пользователю, а также любых других целей, указанных в настоящем
документе, и в Правилах в отношении использования Файлов «Cookie» (если
таковые имеются).
Пользователи несут ответственность за любые Персональные данные третьих лиц, которые они получают, публикуют или предоставляют другим лицам, полученные, опубликованные или переданные через это Приложение, и подтверждают, что ими получено согласие соответствующего третьего лица на предоставление Данных Владельцу.
Владелец принимает адекватные меры безопасности для предотвращения
несанкционированного доступа к Данным, их разглашения, изменения или
несанкционированного уничтожения.
Обработка Данных осуществляется с использованием компьютеров и (или)
средств с поддержкой информационных технологий (ИТ) в соответствии с
организационными процедурами и методами, строго связанными с указанными
целями. В некоторых случаях Данные могут быть доступны, помимо
Владельца, определенным категориям ответственных лиц, которые участвуют в
работе этого Приложения (администрация, отдел продаж, отдел
маркетинга, юридический отдел, системные администраторы), или сторонним
организациям (таким как сторонние поставщики технических услуг, почтовые
организации, поставщики услуг хостинга, компании-поставщики
информационных технологий, службы связи), которым Владелец поручает, при
необходимости, выполнять функции Обработчика данных. Обновляемый
перечень указанных лиц и сторон можно в любое время запросить у
Владелец может обрабатывать Персональные данные, относящиеся к Пользователям, если применим один из нижеуказанных критериев:
В любом случае Владелец охотно поможет прояснить конкретное правовое основание, применимое к обработке, и, в частности, является ли предоставление Персональных данных требованием, предусмотренным законом или договором, или требованием, необходимым для заключения договора.
Данные обрабатываются в операционных офисах Владельца и в любых иных местах, где находятся стороны, занимающиеся их обработкой.
В зависимости от местонахождения Пользователя передача данных может
предусматривать передачу Данных Пользователя в ту или иную страну за
пределами его собственной страны. За более подробной информацией о месте
обработки таких переданных Данных Пользователи могут обратиться к
разделу, содержащему подробные сведения об обработке Персональных
Пользователи также имеют право ознакомиться с правовым основанием
передачи Данных в ту или иную страну, не входящую в Европейский союз,
или в любую международную организацию, регулируемую публичным
международным правом или созданную двумя или более странами, такую как
ООН, а также с мерами безопасности, принимаемыми Владельцем для защиты
их Данных.
Если такая передача осуществляется, Пользователи могут получить
дополнительную информацию, ознакомившись с соответствующими разделами
настоящего документа, или запросить её у Владельца, воспользовавшись
информацией, представленной в разделе с контактными сведениями.
Персональные данные должны обрабатываться и храниться до тех пор, пока они требуются для тех целей, для которых они были собраны.
Таким образом:
Владельцу может быть разрешено сохранять Персональные данные в
течение более длительного периода времени в том случае, если
Пользователь дал согласие на такую обработку, до тех пор, пока такое
согласие не будет отозвано. Кроме того, Владелец может быть обязан
сохранять Персональные данные в течение более длительного периода
времени, если это требуется для выполнения установленной законом
обязанности, или по распоряжению того или иного органа власти.
По истечении срока хранения Персональные данные удаляются. Таким
образом, право на доступ, право на удаление, право на исправление и
право на перенос данных не могут быть реализованы по истечении срока
Сбор Данных, касающихся Пользователя, осуществляется для того, чтобы дать Владельцу возможность предоставлять Сервис, соблюдать требования законодательства, реагировать на запросы правоохранительных органов, защищать свои права и интересы (или права и интересы Пользователей или третьих сторон), выявлять любые злоумышленные или мошеннические действия, а также в следующих целях: Аналитика и Обработка платежей.
Пользователи могут найти конкретную информацию о Персональных данных, используемых для достижения каждой цели, в разделе «Подробная информация об обработке Персональных данных».
Персональные данные собираются в следующих целях и с помощью следующих сервисов:
Пользователи могут осуществлять определенные права в отношении своих Данных, обрабатываемых Владельцем.
В частности, Пользователи имеют право совершить следующие действия в пределах, предусмотренных законом:
В тех случаях, когда Персональные данные обрабатываются в общественных интересах, при исполнении официальных полномочий, возложенных на Владельца, или в целях обеспечения законных интересов, преследуемых Владельцем, Пользователи могут возразить против такой обработки, представив в обоснование своего возражения то или иное основание, связанное с их конкретной ситуацией.
Вместе с тем, Пользователи должны знать, что в случае обработки их Персональных данных в целях осуществления прямого маркетинга, Пользователи могут в любое время и бесплатно возразить против такой обработки без представления какого-либо обоснования. После получения возражения Пользователя против обработки в целях осуществления прямого маркетинга, обработка Персональных Данных в данных целях прекращается. Пользователь может узнать, обрабатывает ли Владелец Персональные данные в целях осуществления прямого маркетинга, ознакомившись с соответствующими разделами настоящего документа.
Любые запросы, касающиеся осуществления прав Пользователя, можно направлять Владельцу, используя контактные данные, приведенные в настоящем документе. За рассмотрение этих запросов не взимается какая-либо плата. Владелец ответит на них в кратчайший срок, не превышающий одного месяца, предоставив Пользователям информацию, предусмотренную законом. О любом исправлении или удалении персональных данных или об ограничении их обработки Владелец сообщит каждому получателю, которому были раскрыты Персональные данные (если таковые имеются), за исключением случаев, если это будет невозможно или потребует непропорциональных усилий. По запросу Пользователей Владелец сообщит им об этих получателях.
Приложение использует Трекеры. С дополнительной информацией Пользователь может ознакомиться в Правилах в отношении Файлов «cookie».
Персональные данные Пользователя могут быть использованы Владельцем
в судебном процессе или на этапах, ведущих к возможному обращению в суд
в связи с тем, что Приложение или сопутствующие Сервисы использовались
ненадлежащим образом.
Пользователь заявляет о своей осведомленности о том, что Владелец может
быть вынужден сообщить Персональные данные по требованию органов
государственной власти.
Помимо информации, содержащейся в настоящей политике приватности, Приложение может предоставлять по запросу Пользователя дополнительную и контекстную информацию, касающуюся конкретных Сервисов или сбора и обработки Персональных данных.
В целях обеспечения работы системы и ее технического обслуживания Приложение и любые сторонние сервисы могут собирать файлы, в которых регистрируется, как Приложение взаимодействует с Пользователями (системные журналы), или использовать с этой целью другие Персональные данные (в частности, IP-адрес).
Дополнительные сведения, касающиеся сбора или обработки Персональных данных, можно в любое время запросить у Владельца. Смотрите контактные данные, указанные в начале настоящего документа.
Приложение не поддерживает запросы «Не отслеживать».
Чтобы определить, поддерживает ли тот или иной используемый сторонний
сервис запросы «Не отслеживать», ознакомьтесь с соответствующими
правилами обеспечения конфиденциальности персональных данных.
Владелец оговаривает за собой право в любое время вносить изменения
в настоящие правила обеспечения конфиденциальности персональных данных
путем уведомления Пользователей на данной странице и, возможно, внутри
данного Приложение и (или) — насколько это возможно с технической и
юридической точек зрения — путем направления уведомления Пользователям с
использованием любой контактной информации, доступной Владельцу.
Настоятельно рекомендуется часто проверять данную страницу, сверяясь с
датой последнего изменения, указанной внизу.
В случае, если
изменения повлияют на деятельность по обработке, осуществляемую на
основании согласия Пользователя, Владелец должен повторно получить
согласие от Пользователя, если это необходимо.
This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the business running this Website and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).
This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the state of California, United States of America, according to the "California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018" (the "CCPA"), as updated by the "California Privacy Rights Act" (the "CPRA") and subsequent regulations. For such consumers, this section supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.
This part of the document uses the terms “personal information” (and “sensitive personal information”) as defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
In this section we summarize the categories of personal information that we've collected, used, sold, or shared and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document.
We have collected the following categories of personal information about you: identifiers, commercial information and internet information.
We have collected the following categories of sensitive personal information: платежная информация and платежная информация
We will not collect additional categories of personal information without notifying you.
You have the right to request that we limit the use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information to only that which is necessary to perform the services or provide the goods, as is reasonably expected by an average consumer.
We can also use your sensitive personal information to perform specific purposes set forth by the law (such as, including but not limited to, helping to ensure security and integrity; undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of our service) and as authorized by the relevant regulations.
Outside of the aforementioned specific purposes, you have the right to freely request, at any time, that we do not use or disclose your sensitive personal information. This means that whenever you ask us to stop using your sensitive personal information, we will abide by your request and we will instruct our service providers and contractors to do the same.
To fully exercise your right to limit the use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
We use any personal information collected from you in connection with the submission of your request solely for the purposes of complying with the request.
Once you have exercised this right, we are required to wait at least 12 months before asking whether you have changed your mind.
We may use your personal information to allow the operational functioning of this Website and features thereof (“business purposes”). In such cases, your personal information will be processed in a fashion necessary and proportionate to the business purpose for which it was collected, and strictly within the limits of compatible operational purposes.
We may also use your personal information for other reasons such as for commercial purposes (as indicated within the section “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document), as well as for complying with the law and defending our rights before the competent authorities where our rights and interests are threatened or we suffer an actual damage.
We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without your consent.
Unless stated otherwise inside the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section, we will not retain your personal information for longer than is reasonably necessary for the purpose(s) they have been collected for.
We collect the above-mentioned categories of personal information, either directly or indirectly, from you when you use this Website.
For example, you directly provide your personal information when you submit requests via any forms on this Website. You also provide personal information indirectly when you navigate this Website, as personal information about you is automatically observed and collected.
Finally, we may collect your personal information from third parties that work with us in connection with the Service or with the functioning of this Application and features thereof.
For our purposes, the word “third party” means a person who is not any of the following: a service provider or a contractor, as defined by the CCPA.
We disclose your personal information with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.
For our purposes, the word “sale” means any “selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic means, a consumer's personal information by the business to a third party, for monetary or other valuable consideration”, as defined by the CCPA.
This means that, for example, a sale can happen whenever an application runs ads, or makes statistical analyses on the traffic or views, or simply because it uses tools such as social network plugins and the like.
For our purposes, the word “sharing” means any “sharing, renting,
releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or
otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other
means, a consumer's personal information by the business to a third
party for cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for
monetary or other valuable consideration, including transactions between
a business and a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising
for the benefit of a business in which no money is exchanged”, as
defined by the CCPA.
Please note that the exchange of personal information with a service
provider pursuant to a written contract that meets the requirements set
by the CCPA, does not constitute a sale or sharing of your personal
We sell or share your personal information with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.
have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal
information. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling or
sharing your personal information, we will abide by your request.
Such requests can be made freely, at any time, without submitting any verifiable request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out, you can contact us at any time using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
If you want to submit requests to opt out of the sale or sharing of personal information via a user-enabled global privacy control, like the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), you are free to do so and we will abide by such request in a frictionless manner (as defined in the CPRA regulations). The GPC consists of a setting or extension in the browser or mobile device and acts as a mechanism that websites can use to indicate they support the GPC signal. If you want to use GPC, you can download and enable it via a participating browser or browser extension. More information about downloading GPC is available here.
We use any personal information collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purposes of complying with the opt-out request.
Once you have opted out, we are required to wait at least 12 months before asking whether you have changed your mind.
You have the right to request that we disclose to you:
You also have the right to know what personal information is sold or shared and to whom. In particular, you have the right to request two separate lists from us where we disclose:
The disclosure described above will be limited to the personal information collected or used over the past 12 months.
If we deliver our response electronically, the information enclosed will be "portable", i.e. delivered in an easily usable format to enable you to transmit the information to another entity without hindrance — provided that this is technically feasible.
You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information, subject to exceptions set forth by the law (such as, including but not limited to, where the information is used to identify and repair errors on this Website, to detect security incidents and protect against fraudulent or illegal activities, to exercise certain rights etc.).
If no legal exception applies, as a result of exercising your right, we will delete your personal information and notify any of our service providers and all third parties to whom we have sold or shared the personal information to do so — provided that this is technically feasible and doesn’t involve disproportionate effort.
You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal information we maintain about you, taking into account the nature of the personal information and the purposes of the processing of the personal information.
You have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information. You also have the right to request that we limit our use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information.
We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. This means that we will not discriminate against you, including, but not limited to, by denying goods or services, charging you a different price, or providing a different level or quality of goods or services just because you exercised your consumer privacy rights.
However, if you refuse to provide your personal information to us or ask us to delete or stop selling your personal information, and that personal information or sale is necessary for us to provide you with goods or services, we may not be able to complete that transaction.
To the extent permitted by the law, we may offer you promotions, discounts, and other deals in exchange for collecting, keeping, or selling your personal information, provided that the financial incentive offered is reasonably related to the value of your personal information.
To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your verifiable request to us by contacting us via the details provided in this document.
For us to respond to your request, it’s necessary that we know who you are. Therefore, you can only exercise the above rights by making a verifiable request which must:
We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity and therefore confirm the personal information in our possession actually relates to you.
Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. We will use any personal information collected from you in connection with the verification of your request solely for the purposes of verification and shall not further disclose the personal information, retain it longer than necessary for purposes of verification, or use it for unrelated purposes.
If you cannot personally submit a verifiable request, you can authorize a person registered with the California Secretary of State to act on your behalf.
If you are an adult, you can make a verifiable request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.
You can submit a maximum number of 2 requests over a period of 12 months.
We will confirm receipt of your verifiable request within 10 days and provide information about how we will process your request.
We will respond to your request within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.
Our disclosure(s) will cover the preceding 12-month period. Only with regard to personal information collected on or after January 1, 2022, you have the right to request that we disclose information beyond the 12-month period, and we will provide them to you unless doing so proves impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort.
Should we deny your request, we will explain you the reasons behind our denial.
We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable request unless such request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. In such cases, we may charge a reasonable fee, or refuse to act on the request. In either case, we will communicate our choices and explain the reasons behind it.
This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Application and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).
This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the Commonwealth of Virginia, according to the “Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act" (the "VCDPA"), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.
This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the VCDPA.
In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we've processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.
We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers, commercial information and internet information
We do not collect sensitive data.
We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.
To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.
We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for
purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without
your consent.
You can freely give, deny, or withdraw such consent at any time using the contact details provided in this document.
We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.
For our purposes, the word "third party" means "a natural or legal
person, public authority, agency, or body other than the consumer,
controller, processor, or an affiliate of the processor or the
controller" as defined by the VCDPA.
For our purposes, the word “sale” means any “exchange of personal
data for monetary consideration by us to a third party“ as defined by
the VCDPA.
Please note that according to the VCDPA, the disclosure of personal data
to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller
does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set
forth in the VCDPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the
disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a
product or service requested by you.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal
Data” section of this document, our use of your personal information may
be considered a sale under VCDPA.
You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request. To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time using the contact details provided in this document.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.
For our purposes, the word "targeted advertising" means "displaying
advertisements to you where the advertisement is selected based on
personal data obtained from your activities over time and across
nonaffiliated websites or online applications to predict your
preferences or interests" as defined by the VCDPA.
Please note
that according to the VCDPA, targeted advertising does not include:
“advertisements based on activities within a controller's own websites
or online applications; advertisements based on the context of a
consumer's current search query, visit to a website or online
application; advertisements directed to a consumer in response to the
consumer's request for information or feedback; or processing personal
data solely for measuring or reporting advertising performance, reach,
or frequency”.
To find out more details on the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising purposes, you can read the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document.
You have the right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising. This means that whenever you ask us to stop processing your data for targeted advertising, we will abide by your request. To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purposes of complying with the opt-out request.
You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:
To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.
For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are.
We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request.
Making a consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. However, we may require you to use your existing account. We will use any personal data collected from you in connection with your request solely for the purposes of authentication, without further disclosing the personal data, retaining it longer than necessary for purposes of authentication, or using it for unrelated purposes.
If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.
We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.
Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request. It is your right to appeal such decision by submitting a request to us via the details provided in this document. Within 60 days of receipt of the appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. If the appeal is denied you may contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint.
We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to two requests per year. If your request is manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive, we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on the request. In either case, we will communicate our choices and explain the reasons behind them.
This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Website and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).
This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the State of Colorado, according to the “Colorado Privacy Act" (the "CPA"), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.
This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the CPA.
In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we've processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.
We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers, commercial information and internet information
We do not collect sensitive data.
We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.
To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.
We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for
purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without
your consent.
You can freely give, deny, or withdraw such consent at any time using the contact details provided in this document.
We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.
For our purposes, the word "third party" means "a person, public authority, agency, or body other than a consumer, controller, processor, or affiliate of the processor or the controller." as defined by the CPA.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, our use of your personal data may be considered a sale under the CPA.
For our purposes, the word "sale", "sell", or "sold" means "the exchange of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration by a controller to a third party" as defined by the CPA.
Please note that according to the CPA, the disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set forth in the CPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a product or service requested by you.
You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, we may use your personal data for targeted advertising purposes.
For our purposes, the word "targeted advertising" means "displaying
to a consumer an advertisement that is selected based on personal data
obtained or inferred over time from the consumer's activities across
nonaffiliated websites, applications, or online services to predict
consumer preferences or interests" as defined by CPA.
note that according to the CPA, targeted advertising does not include:
“advertisements directed to a consumer in response to the consumer's
request for information or feedback; advertisements based on activities
within a controller's own websites or online applications or any
affiliated website or online application; advertisements based on the
context of a consumer's current search query, visit to an internet web
site or online application; or processing personal data solely to
measure or report advertising frequency, performance or reach”.
You have the right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising. This means that whenever you ask us to stop processing your data for targeted advertising, we will abide by your request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purposes of complying with the opt-out request.
If you want to submit requests to opt-out of the sale of personal data or the targeted advertising via a user-enabled global privacy control, like the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), you are free to do so and we will abide by such request. The GPC consists of a setting or extension in the browser or mobile device and acts as a mechanism that websites can use to indicate they support the GPC signal. If you want to use GPC, you can download and enable it via a participating browser or browser extension. More information about downloading GPC is available here.
You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:
In any case, we will not increase the cost of, or decrease the availability of, a product or service, based solely on the exercise of any of your rights and unrelated to the feasibility or the value of a service. However, to the extent permitted by the law, we may offer a different price, rate, level, quality, or selection of goods or services to you, including offering goods or services for no fee, if our offer is related to your voluntary participation in a bona fide loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card program.
To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.
For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are and which right you wish to exercise.
We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request.
Making a consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. However, we may require you to use your existing account. We will use any personal data collected from you in connection with your request solely for the purposes of authentication, without further disclosing the personal data, retaining it longer than necessary for purposes of authentication, or using it for unrelated purposes.
If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.
We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.
Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request. It is your right to appeal such decision by submitting a request to us via the details provided in this document. Within 45 days of receipt of the appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. If the appeal is denied you may contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint.
We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to two requests per year.
This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Website and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).
This section applies o all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the State of Connecticut, according to “An Act Concerning Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring " (also known as "The Connecticut Data Privacy Act" or the “CTDPA"), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.
This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the CTDPA.
In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we've processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.
We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers, commercial information and internet information
We do not collect sensitive data.
We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.
To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.
We won’t process your information for unexpected purposes, or for
purposes incompatible with the purposes originally disclosed, without
your consent.
You can freely give, deny, or withdraw such consent at any time using the contact details provided in this document.
We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.
For our purposes, the word "third party" means "a person, public authority, agency, or body other than a consumer, controller, processor, or affiliate of the processor or the controller." as defined by the CTDPA.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, our use of your personal data may be considered a sale under the CTDPA.
For our purposes, the word "sale", "sell", or "sold" means "the exchange of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration by a controller to a third party" as defined by the CTDPA.
Please note that according to the CTDPA, the disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set forth in the CTDPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a product or service requested by you.
You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, we may use your personal data for targeted advertising purposes.
For our purposes, the word "targeted advertising" means "displaying
to a consumer an advertisement that is selected based on personal data
obtained or inferred over time from the consumer's activities across non
affiliated websites, applications, or online services to predict
consumer preferences or interests" as defined by CTDPA.
note that according to the CTDPA, targeted advertising does not include:
“advertisements based on activities within a controller's own web sites
or online applications; advertisements based on the context of a
consumer's current search query, visit to an internet web site or online
application; advertisements directed to a consumer in response to the
consumer's request for information or feedback; or processing personal
data solely to measure or report advertising frequency, performance or
You have the right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising. This means that whenever you ask us to stop processing your data for targeted advertising, we will abide by your request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purposes of complying with the opt-out request.
If you want to submit requests to opt-out of the sale of personal data or the targeted advertising via a user-enabled global privacy control, like the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), you are free to do so and we will abide by such request. The GPC consists of a setting or extension in the browser or mobile device and acts as a mechanism that websites can use to indicate they support the GPC signal. If you want to use GPC, you can download and enable it via a participating browser or browser extension. More information about downloading GPC is available here.
You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:
In any case, we will not increase the cost of, or decrease the availability of, a product or service, based solely on the exercise of any of your rights and unrelated to the feasibility or the value of a service. However, to the extent permitted by the law, we may offer a different price, rate, level, quality, or selection of goods or services to you, including offering goods or services for no fee, if our offer is related to your voluntary participation in a bona fide loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card program.
To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.
For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are and which right you wish to exercise.
We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request.
Making a consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. However, we may require you to use your existing account. We will use any personal data collected from you in connection with your request solely for the purposes of authentication, without further disclosing the personal data, retaining it longer than necessary for purposes of authentication, or using it for unrelated purposes.
If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.
We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.
Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request. It is your right to appeal such decision by submitting a request to us via the details provided in this document. Within 45 days of receipt of the appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal, including a written explanation of the reasons for the decisions. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint.
We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to one request per year.
This section of the document integrates with and supplements the information contained in the rest of the privacy policy and is provided by the controller running this Website and, if the case may be, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, “our”).
This section applies to all Users (Users are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, “yours”), who are consumers residing in the State of Utah, according to the “Consumer Privacy Act" (the “UCPA"), and, for such consumers, it supersedes any other possibly divergent or conflicting information contained in the privacy policy.
This part of the document uses the term “personal data” as defined in the UCPA.
In this section, we summarize the categories of personal data that we've processed and the purposes thereof. You can read about these activities in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Persona Data” within this document.
We have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers, commercial information and internet information
We do not collect sensitive data.
We will not collect additional categories of personal data without notifying you.
To find out why we process your personal data, you can read the sections titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” and “The purposes of processing” within this document.
We share your personal data with the third parties listed in detail in the section titled “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” within this document. These third parties are grouped and categorized in accordance with the different purposes of processing.
For our purposes, the word "third party" means "a person other than: the consumer, controller, or processor; or an affiliate or contractor of the controller or the processor" as defined by the UCPA.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, our use of your personal data may be considered a sale under the UCPA.
For our purposes, the word "sale", "sell", or "sold" means "the exchange of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration by a controller to a third party" as defined by the UCPA.
Please note that according to the UCPA, the disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of a controller does not constitute a sale. In addition, other specific exceptions set forth in the UCPA may apply, such as, but not limited to, the disclosure of personal data to a third party for the provision of a product or service requested by you.
You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal data. This means that whenever you request us to stop selling your data, we will abide by your request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purpose of complying with the request.
As specified in the “Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data” section of this document, we may use your personal data for targeted advertising purposes.
For our purposes, the word "targeted advertising" means "displaying
to a consumer an advertisement that is selected based on personal data
obtained or inferred over time from the consumer's activities across
nonaffiliated websites, applications, or online services to predict
consumer preferences or interests" as defined by UCPA.
note that according to the UCPA, targeted advertising does not include:
“advertisements based on activities within a controller's own websites
or online applications or any affiliated website or online application;
advertisements based on the context of a consumer's current search
query, visit to an web site or online application; advertisements
directed to a consumer in response to the consumer's request for
information, product, a service or feedback; or processing personal data
solely to measure or report advertising performance, reach or
You have the right to opt out of the processing of your personal data for targeted advertising. This means that whenever you ask us to stop processing your data for targeted advertising, we will abide by your request.
To fully exercise your right to opt out you can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided in this document.
For a simplified opt-out method you can also use the privacy choices link provided on this Website.
We use any personal data collected from you in connection with the submission of your opt-out request solely for the purposes of complying with the opt-out request.
You may exercise certain rights regarding your data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to do the following:
In any case, we will not increase the cost of, or decrease the availability of, a product or service, based solely on the exercise of any of your rights and unrelated to the feasibility or the value of a service. However, to the extent permitted by the law, we may offer a different price, rate, level, quality, or selection of goods or services to you, including offering goods or services for no fee, if our offer is related to your voluntary participation in a bona fide loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card program.
To exercise the rights described above, you need to submit your request to us by contacting us via the contact details provided in this document.
For us to respond to your request, we need to know who you are and which right you wish to exercise.
We will not respond to any request if we are unable to verify your identity using commercially reasonable efforts and therefore confirm that the personal data in our possession actually relate to you. In such cases, we may request that you provide additional information which is reasonably necessary to authenticate you and your request. We may retain your email address to respond to your request.
If you are an adult, you can make a request on behalf of a child under your parental authority.
We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of its receipt. Should we need more time, we will explain to you the reasons why, and how much more time we need. In this regard, please note that we may take up to 90 days to fulfill your request.
Should we deny your request, we will explain to you the reasons behind our denial without undue delay, but in all cases and at the latest within 45 days of receipt of the request.
We do not charge a fee to respond to your request, for up to one request per year.
Эта часть документа объединена и дополняет информацию, содержащуюся в
остальной части политики приватности и предоставленной компанией,
запустившей Приложение и, если применимо, ее головной, дочерней и
аффилированной компанией (для целей раздела именуемыми совместно как
«мы», «нас», «наш»).
Положения, содержащиеся в этом разделе,
применяются ко всем Пользователям, проживающим в Бразилии, в
соответствии с актом «Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados» (Пользователи
далее как «ты», «твой», «твои»). Для таких Пользователей настоящие
положения имеют большую юридическую силу чем положения отличающиеся или
противоречащие положениям политики приватности.
Эта часть документа использует термин «личная информация» как он определен в Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD).
Мы можем обрабатывать вашу личную информацию исключительно в случае если у нас есть правовые основания для такой обработки. Правовыми основаниями являются следующие:
Для того чтобы узнать больше о правовых основаниях, вы можете связаться с нами в любое время по контактным данным, указанным в настоящем документе.
Для того чтобы узнать, какие категории личной информации обрабатываются, вы можете ознакомиться с разделом «Подробная информация об обработке Персональных данных» настоящего документа.
Для того чтобы узнать, почему мы обрабатываем вашу личную информацию, вы можете ознакомиться с разделом «Подробная информация об обработке Персональных Данных» и «Цели обработки» настоящего документа.
Вы имеете право на:
Если вы воспользуетесь своими правами, вы никогда не подвергнетесь дискриминации и не пострадаете иным образом.
Для осуществления своих прав Вы можете подать явно выраженный запрос без внесения какой-либо платы, в любое время, с использованием контактной информации, указанной в настоящем документе, или через вашего законного представителя.
Мы будем прилагать все возможные усилия для своевременного реагирования на ваши запросы.
В любом случае, если мы не сможем этого сделать, мы проследим за тем,
чтобы вам сообщили фактические или юридические причины, которые
препятствуют тому, чтобы мы незамедлительно или когда-либо в принципе
исполнили ваш запрос. В случаях, когда мы не обрабатываем вашу личную
информацию, то, если у нас будет такая возможность, мы проинформируем
вас о физическом или юридическом лице, которому вы должны адресовать
свой запрос.
В случае если вы подаете запрос о доступе или о подтверждении факта обработки персональной информации, пожалуйста, удостоверьтесь, что вы указали, в каком виде должна быть предоставлена ваша персональная информация: в электронной или печатной. Вы также должны проинформировать нас, хотите ли вы получить ответ на запрос немедленно, в таком случае мы ответим вам в сокращенном виде, либо о том, что вместо этого вам нужно полное раскрытие информации. В последнем случае мы ответим в течение 15 дней с даты подачи вашего запроса и предоставим вам всю информацию об источнике вашей персональной информации, подтверждение того, существуют или нет ее записи, о любых критериях, использованных для обработки, и цели обработки, сохраняя при этом нашу коммерческую и промышленную тайну.
В случае если вы подаете запрос об исправлении, удалении, анонимизации или блокировке персональной информации, мы обязательно немедленно передадим ваш запрос другим сторонам, с которыми мы делились вашей персональной информацией, для того чтобы предоставить таким третьим лицам возможность исполнить ваш запрос – за исключением случаев когда такая коммуникация однозначно невозможна или влечет за собой непропорциональные усилия с нашей стороны.
Нам разрешено передавать вашу личную информацию за пределы территории Бразилии в следующих случаях: